> AFAIK, you cannot do that in Geany, but you can start Geany twice, and open a different project in each instance. Other than that, you can open any file regularly with File > Open. Also, I think there is a plugin that adds a full filebrowser to the sidebar, but I haven't used it yet.

I just tested this, and it looks like you can only create 1 instance of Geany when specifying a project. Launching Geany from the command line (e.g. geany myproject.geany &) will create a one instance, after which further launches will try to re-use the last instance to load a project, asking you to close the first project before loading the new one. Is this a bug? I can't imagine why anyone would want to only work on one project at a time.

A workaround seems to be to just run "geany &", which does allow you can use to launch an arbitrary number of instances, but then you have to manually use the project dialog to open your project.