On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 1:45 PM, Lex Trotman <elextr@gmail.com> wrote:
On 8 July 2011 21:23, Stephan Beal <sgbeal@googlemail.com> wrote:What virtual display are you running on the server via SSH? My guess
would be :0, so Geany stores that the dialog is on :0 and then when
you run it locally it pops up on :0 which is the main screen.

It's localhost:10.0 when running over (ssh -X), but the the starting display offset can be configured in ssh, IIRC. But the copy of geany running over ssh is not the same geany binary i run locally - my local copy is only ever active on my  external monitor (but it _might_ have, at some point, started up on the internal monitor and i moved it over to the external monitor). On both geany binaries i'm seeing the same behaviour - main window is on screen #2 while dialogs pop up over on #1.

i don't see anything in geany.conf about the display but i do see a socket:

stephan@infomat-dev:~/public_html$ l /home/stephan/.config/geany/
lrwxrwxrwx  1 stephan consol    26 Jul  8 13:52 geany_socket_infomat-dev_localhost_10 -> /tmp/geany_socket.d5368770

Either that or its a display (like :2) that doesn't exist on your
local machine so the WM just shrugs and puts Geany on the screen its
started from and the dialog on :0

Where would i find the persistent display setting? The only mention of ':' i find in geany.conf is:

pref_template_datetime=%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S %Z

> PS Yes, fixing this sort of thing is not very portable as I know from
> past heartache.

IMO it's not worth the effort/pain to try to fix this in geany unless it's really just a missing API call (as Emil mentioned), but you already debunked that as being a gtk3 thing. It sounds like it would be a huge, ugly can of worms to me.

----- stephan beal