
i am trying to use geany to manage projects;
(my goal is to be able to work at the same time with different projects, being able to close them and re-learn them as a result of my needs) .

I downloaded the plugins to my computer and saw that there are two plugins available: Project Organizer & GeanyPrj.
I'm currently am
trying to use the plugin GeanyPrj.

I have difficulty to load a project that is already saved (with name xxxx.geany I
can red the text file xxx.geany).

I saw that the use of projects in geany is not automatically available:
therefore I have activated the options
as well the file with the project information : xxx,geany exist  and it is readable
when I open this project (from the projects menu) no one file (of those registered with the project) is loaded ...

<casually> some time ago the files were uploaded .., but I am no longer able to reproduce this event.

Knowing that the use of projects in geany is not the default and thinking that I don't know exactly which options need to be activated .. I would like to have some help about it
