Is it possible to resize the color chooser popup (or its button sizes, etc) by any means (CSS, etc)?

In Linux, on 1920x1080 monitor, color chooser popup is ~ 650px x 320px.
* Too big if working in a Geany file & need to leave Color open (vs. re-opening it every few min.).
Repeately dragging it below the panel -- & back up,  is wasted time.

There's a good bit wasted space on it's UI; 'Find' window is resizable (to a point), but still too big to leave open, unless Geany is only window open.

Maybe best? long term would be
if Color / Find showed under Geany's panel "grouped windows" icon, as in other apps.  Tremendously useful.

Color Chooser/ Find have no window controls, so can't minimize & restore when needed (be great)
Color Chooser: entry fields, + / - buttons (for Hue, etc) & color name entry, Apply / Cancel / Select buttons are larger than needed.  (Possibly tweak in some Linux theme CSS, but unintended effects on other apps).

*    Probably could resize, even move _some_ of those via ~/.config/geany-3.20.CSS, but I'd need each element's *exact* selector name.

* The (currently) selected color's swatch actually needs to be larger; displayed single color is only 70 x 30 px for me.  Needs be maybe 70^2 to detect actual shade (not just 'light vs. dark blue').
