On 28 March 2010 19:33, Ross McKay
<rosko@zeta.org.au> wrote:
Lex Trotman wrote:
>It seems to be a bug in SVN trunk, I can confirm it works with 0.18 and
>r4577 but not current head.
Ah, beauty! Thanks very much, I thought I was going insane. It must be
from one of the recent changes that brought us GNU extensions; will read
the docs later when my head is clearer and see whether this is actually
a bug or part of the new feature set :)
Ross McKay, Toronto NSW Australia
"Click me, drag me, treat me like an object"
Insanity. its all in your head :-)
Looks rather like a bug, probably an edge case when the found string is zero length, as ^ will be.