
I think that would be a great idea. I changed the check version in the plugin and was able to get Geany to recognize it afterwards to great success. I can't speak for the existing user base, but I would find this invaluable and at worst since this will be generated on demand (which I think is a good idea) it couldn't affect existing users if they decide not to use it. 


2009/6/16 Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger@uvena.de>
On Thu, 11 Jun 2009 21:49:50 +0200, Enrico wrote:

>On Wed, 10 Jun 2009 17:57:56 -0400, William wrote:
>>You hit the nail on the head. This would be nice at least if it were
>>configurable....maybe a checkbox for 'autocomplete all words' or
>>something similar. I agree though, this would likely not be feasible
>>for multiple documents.
>I hacked a little and got some code working, see attachment.
>It's a plugin which provides a new keybinding named "AC Test" and bound
>to Ctrl-< by default.
>When used, it provides an auto completion list for the word at the
>cursor, if anything is found.
>It should work pretty much the same as in Scite, especially since the
>code is basically a 1:1 copy of Scite's StartAutoCompleteWord()

Since it turned out to be as simple as having this one and a half
function to get this working, I'm thinking about this to put into Geany
directly and just connect it to a new keybinding (Ctrl-Shift-Return
or something),

First, I assumed we need to do some caching or at least pre-generate
the list but I think the generation of the word list is fast enough so
that we can generate it on demand and so a plugin is probably a bit
heavy, this is why I think we could get it into the core and users will
be able to easier find and use this feature.



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