Dear Matthew,
Thank you very much for your interest in my problem. I am adding a few screen shots, which I feel can explain better and the code is attached to the mail. I am just a beginner.
When I install geany and run the program immediately after installation, every thing goes smooth. no prompting and nothing. I can get error message if there are any errors and others. If it does not contain any error, I will get output and at the end I used to get "press any key to continue.............." message
From the second session onwards, like once I quit the IDE and start it, when the code is executed, cmd.exe will be executed. Then user access control window pops up asking whether you would like to allow execution of python.exe
if the code is free of errors, the output will be displayed and the python.exe will wait there as I have added raw_input() at the end of the program. I will press some button. Then python.exe window closes and I will be left with cmd.exe window showing "press any key to continue........." just like shown in the figure 2.
If the code consists of errors, then I will end up like this as shown in the figure below. Even, I can not find what are these errors in the code.

Thank you.