It can be done:

Tools > Configuration files > Filetype Configuration > Miscellaneous > filetypes.yaml

Then uncommend and edit:

# 0 is spaces, 1 is tabs, 2 is tab & spaces

Save the changes. Default width is usually 4. To be honest, I did this for the Ruby filetype, not for YAML. The company I work for never told me if they want the YAML to be 2 spaces, we have rules only for the Ruby code.

After the changes, you could do:

Tools > Reload Configuration.

Or simply close Geany and open it again, if reloading don't give the desired effect.

On Thursday, October 7, 2021, 05:03:27 a.m. GMT+3, H <> wrote:

I am using geany 1.36 under CentOS 7. Is it possible to configure geany so that it automatically indents code when creating/editing yml/yaml files?

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