On 24 July 2013 08:08, Victoria S. <1@victoriasjourney.com> wrote:
> " ... please try the list of things suggested and report the results." >>

Hi: As mentioned,

        " ... I tried your [the users' list] suggestions: none had any effect. ...",

I already tried the other suggestions.  ;-)

Ok, so we move on to more detailed things :)

As you would have probably guessed, it isn't happening for anyone here, so we need you to help track it down.

Can you run geany with gdb and when it is consuming 100% cpu interrupt it (ctrl-c in the terminal) and see if you can get a backtrace  to find where it is spending its time.

Also when you run from terminal you can use -v to see more information, and possibly see more warnings.

Of the warnings you listed, the menushell one is caused by Ubuntu rudely stealing the menu from an application that isn't designed for that, complaints to them, we can't fix it.

Not sure what the others are, when running in gdb you could try using the --g-fatal-warnings option, though that will stop at the first one, but you might be able to continue from there to get it to stop on the second.  If you can please send the backtrace so we can see where it is happening.


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