On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 2:54 PM, Lex Trotman
<elextr@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm not sure what you mean by this, when should it "resolve" them?
cd ~/tmp
ln -s /etc/hosts foo
~/tmp/foo "resolves to" /etc/hosts
i'm looking for the relevant unix functions but i'm not finding them.
Ummmm, guys, lets be specific, we are only talking about the session
files here, all other paths *can* be relative.
But as long as the session data is in the project file, they're the same thing.
And I agree with Matthew, that session data doesn't belong in version
And unless its an in-house project with a controlled tool set
neither does the project file for all the reasons Matthew enumerates.
Note that even Geany doesn't offer a .geany project file in svn.
Geany's project files don't contain things like specific build flags and such, so i agree -they don't necessarily belong in svn (but it is convenient for me to do so because i frequently edit the same trees on 2-3 machines).
You are talking about build system control files (make, qmake, ant,
maven etc) which of course live in the tree and use relative paths,
but they have nothing to do with IDE project files (*.geany, eclipse
.project etc) or session files.
You're right - i've been drawn into two different arguments without realizing it.
Seeing as geany's project file is basically just the session data and the root path of the project, i'm going to stop harping on this point and just stop putting my .geany files in source control. So i'll shut up now :).
> Well actually emacs saves session files as absolute. Even if they are
> saved in the source tree. M-x desktop-save and then look in
> .emacs.desktop.
i don't use sessions in emacs, so i didn't know that.