The message window blanks out with just a solid block where cursor used to be; no response to any keys 

On Saturday, January 14, 2017, Little Girl <> wrote:
Hey there,

David Topham wrote:

> I just joined this list and have been a happy user of geany on
> Debian for a year. Great editor with helpful plugins! One feature I
> use all the time is the terminal. I noticed that if the terminal
> gets hung, then I can't kill it without closing geany. i.e. ctrl-c
> does not interrupt the program that I ran which is hung. If I go to
> another xterm outside of geany I can kill the runaway process, but
> that kills geany too! Is there a way to interrupt (break) the
> terminal and still keep geany open?

What happens when you right-click and choose Restart Terminal when
something hangs?

Little Girl

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