[ From (Lex Trotman) on Saturday, February 26, 2011 ]
> Check which version of GTK you are using, IIUC only versions 2.16 and
> 2.22+ do theming properly in windows. The ones in between are broken.
> Cheers
> Lex
I've got whatever was bundled with Geany 0.20 (2.16, I believe?). It could well be my far-from-competent understanding of theming. I've not really had time to read up on it, much less how it applies to Windows (if any differently). A few days ago (not related to this question) tried installing Geany w/o GTK and installing separately what I downloaded from gtk.org, but ended up with DLL problems. I didn't have time to investigate, so I just un/reinstalled the bundled Geany release instead. Otherwise, everything works fine. Kinda wish there was VTE for Windows, but the real solution to that is to just run it on *nix. (not to mention the other benefits :-)
Len Philpot - l e n @ p h i l p o t . o r g (no spaces)
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