On 1 April 2010 19:32, Thomas Martitz
<thomas.martitz@student.htw-berlin.de> wrote:
Am 01.04.2010 09:10, schrieb Enrico Tröger:
Hi all,
after 4 years of using GTK as the GUI toolkit for Geany, I think it's
to switch to a modern and user-friendly GUI toolkit, Qt 4.
Probably the only way to continously get new users and be able to
improve the editor more, is to use Qt 4.
Since this means a quite big change in everything, the project will be
renamed into Qeany.
All GTK related code will be removed soon and replaced by newer,
better Qt 4 code.
This way we can get rid off this archaic and legacy toolkit.
There is already a new web site: www.qeany.org with
more information.
Hope you'll like the changes.
Sure. I guess you'll also port it to the win32 api while you're at it (Weany?)? :D
Qeany and Weany will rock! :)
No, Weany is the Wxwidgets version, the windows version is $eany :-)
and don't forget the Fltk version Feany...
Best regards.
(Nice one ;) )
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