In a fullscreen window the symbols list fits about 50 items on screen.

I'm not sure how things are in other domains, but I'm an embedded C programmer by trade and it's not at all uncommon to see files with a couple of hundred symbols in them.

I often find myself hunting up and down the list thinking "there is a function for this, what was it called?? it had event in it's name..."

On my previous editor I hacked the symbol list plugin I was using to have a filter at the bottom of which worked ok, but the interface was never as easy to work with as the jump in xmms.

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 10:10 PM, Ben West <> wrote:
I honestly don't see the point of this..., the symbols list already adds this functionality.  if there are are enough symbols in the symbols list to warrant this, you're probably doing something wrong. Also, if the reason this has been suggested is becuase you want an esy way to find the declaration of an instance, you can right-click on any instance and "jump" (as you put it) to the declaration.  just my $.02us

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 2:43 AM, Gordon Wrigley <> wrote:
I have a feature suggestion I'd like to make.

The easiest way to explain this is probably just to point at an example of a similar thing in a different application.
In most winamp style mp3 players when you press the j key it brings up the jump dialog, this dialog provides a dynamic search of all the files in the current playlist and allows you to instantly jump to any of them.
My suggestion is that Geany have a similar mechanism for searching and jumping to symbols in the current file.

This is not something I've seen in any other editor, but I think it could be very handy.

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/ˈmɪstər/ /ˈdʒɛnəsɪs/@/dʒi/ /meɪl/ /dɒt/ /kɒm/
Benjamin West

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