On 30 October 2013 16:24, Mike Miller <geany-users@mgmiller.net> wrote:

I noticed autocompletion never seemed to work right for me in geany, even though I had all the checkboxes checked in the preferences.  It could only complete things I had already written.  After seeing completion work well in another editor I decided to dig in and try to figure out why.

Turns out that I had to learn about tag files, find the files myself and put them in a certain folder.  Not so bad.  But I notice that it still doesn't work unless I type at least 5 characters, even though I have the number set to 3 in the preferences.  For example I have to type "backg" or "text-" in a css file before the popup comes up.

Strange, for me it works at 3, but note that it only works for basenames, abc.def will show all abc autocompletes, but thats as far as it goes.

I would guess this is because other languages don't allow dot(.) inside symbols, instead they use the dot to select from a nested structure.  But the symbols in CSS tags are not nested so that won't work.
 In python I notice keywords don't complete.

Keywords do not complete in any language.

What am I doing wrong?  Geany should be able to complete keywords at a minimum, it already has them all specified in the filedef.conf files.  The basics here should work out of the box in my opinion... for an editor as friendly as Geany.

Geany doesn't complete keywords, there have been several suggestions to do this, but nobody has come up with the code, patches are welcome.

I'd like to help, though unfortunately haven't written C/++ in many years.  But, I could certainly pack up files and check them in, make another debian package, add tips to the preference dialog strings, etc.
How can we make the experience better?


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