On Monday, December 24, 2012, thufir wrote:
On Sun, 23 Dec 2012 17:50:47 +1100, Sayth Renshaw wrote:

> Well you shouldn't need to specify full path, you may want to swap the
> rubies when using rvm.
> So it's definitely a path problem. Can you run rbeautify from terminal
> without changing to be in your rvm directory ?

I don't understand what you mean.  There are three settings I'm now using
'Set Build Commands'.  The first two are Ruby commands:

compile   /home/thufir/.rvm/rubies/default/bin/ruby "%f"
beautify  /home/thufir/.rbeautify.rb "%f"

The third is under Execute commands:

execute /home/thufir/.rvm/rubies/default/bin/ruby "%f"

In so far as swapping rubies, wouldn't I do so from rvm and just have
Geany use the default?

The only build command which fails is beautify.

Why shouldn't you specify the full path?  Do you mean that a relative
path should be used?



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Your compile command should be just "ruby %f" . You shouldn't be specifying full paths.

Say you create another ruby so that your path is

  /home/thufir/.rvm/rubies/a_new_ruby/bin/ruby "%f"

You would then have to change your compile commands. That defeats the point of using rvm. 

All your commands should not specify a full path. When you switch rubies in rvm as long as you have beautify installed calling it should work.
