On 7 September 2012 01:33, Gordon Wrigley <gordon.wrigley@gmail.com> wrote:I'm assuming that by "quick search box" you mean the toolbar search entry?
> Hi
> I'd like different behavior from ctrl-g (currently <find next>).
> Originally I was going to ask if there was a way of making it like Chrome
> where in addition to jumping to the next result it also moves focus to the
> quick search box and highlights the current content of the quick search box
> so you can easily replace it.
The keybinding focus->switch to search bar (default f7) works pretty
close to the way you describe. I re-define <ctrl>f to use that since
its way less disruptive than the search dialog.
> _______________________________________________
> This is not as disruptive as it might sound as you can always dismiss the
> quick search box and move focus to the search result by hitting escape.
> Having played around with the keybindings a bit I'm also interested in
> something that does all that and copies the current text selection to the
> quick search box.
> Are there any existing options for anything like this?
> If it matters any I currently have 1.22 on win7.
> G
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