2006/7/19, Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger@uvena.de>:
On Wed, 19 Jul 2006 12:17:48 -0300, "Alexandre Moreira"
<alexandream@gmail.com> wrote:

> > > * if editing perl or python [detecting a .py or .pl script loaded,
> > > maybe...] code, having another tab (next to the console, scribble,
> > > status tabs) with an interpreter running inside (to type commands
> > > in) would be extra nice, along with a "reset" button to restart
> > > that interpreter.
> > Possible, at least for non-Windows systems ;-). I'll keep it in
> > mind.
> This is just one of the many things that make a tiny voice in my head
> scream "plugin system!".
>  I believe (and others may correct me if I'm wrong) it would be a
> good idea to postpone this kind of feature until 1.0 is released,
> then work on a plugin system that allows this kind of feature to be
> written outside the Geany core.
> What do you think ?
I can live with waiting for 1.0 ;-).
Perhaps it is possible in a similar way as on Unix systems, but
probably Nick can answer more accurately.

> PS: Sorry for the duplicated message, Enrico. Somehow this list is
> not being worked out correctly in my gmail account the way others
> do... odd.
No problem.
What doesn't do this list what others do? This list is driven by
mailman, like many, many others too. The Reply-To-Headers aren't
changed since this is recommend and smart MUAs(aka email clients)
should be able to handle this. Thunderbird is an example for a MUA
which can't handle it correctly.
Tell me what's going wrong and we can look for a solution.

Well, I've been doing some research and it seems like Gmail is not an example of Smart MUA, for it doesn't understand the List-Id: header (from which it could gather the information that it IS a list and which e-mail is the list accesible from), relying on the reply to for lists also.

At least thats the only big difference I've seen in the headers sent by the xfce4-dev list and the Geany list.


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Alexandre Moreira.