On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 6:25 PM, Dimitar Zhekov
<dimitar.zhekov@gmail.com> wrote:
Filenames like "../../../../../../usr/share/doc/libpng/examples.c"
are something I woudn't like to see.
oooh, no.
On Tue, 28 Jun 2011 20:17:47 +0200
> There shouldn't _be_ any files not under the project dir [...]
That doesn't mean you shoudn't be able to open a file outside the
project directory, and AFAIK, no IDE with such limitation exists.
So the project organization discussion is irrelevant.
But should such files, which are not part of the project, be referenced in the _project_ file? i think a case could be made for "eliding" those for session purposes.