On Tue, 17 Apr 2018 18:46:13, Colomban Wendling wrote:

> The Geany include paths are suspicious, they should start with
> "/user/kklein/geany/1.33/", not "//".  There's likely something fishy
> with your installation; how did you configure it?

Here is the sequence of steps I originally followed to build Geany (taken from here: https://wiki.geany.org/howtos/relocatable_build):

$ ./configure --enable-binreloc --prefix=/
$ make
$ make install DESTDIR=/user/kklein/geany/1.33

My intention was only to install Geany to a non-default directory and I thought those were the steps to follow.

I did a clean build/install of Geany using the following:

setenv PATH /user/kklein/lib/intltool/0.50.2/bin:$PATH
.configure --prefix=/user/kklein/geany/1.33
make install

I then built and installed the plugins using the following:

setenv PKG_CONFIG_PATH /user/kklein/geany/1.33/lib/pkgconfig
setenv PATH /user/kklein/lib/intltool/0.50.2/bin:$PATH
./configure --prefix=/user/kklein/geany/1.33
make install

And everything worked.  Thanks for the help.