On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 7:52 PM, Dimitar Zhekov
<dimitar.zhekov@gmail.com> wrote:
I remember such a discussion taking place some time ago. It was not so
straightforward - for example, what about the files not under the
project directory?
There shouldn't _be_ any files not under the project dir, at least not managed by the project management tool. IDEs are almost exclusively used for working on source-control-based projects, and every source tree is rooted in one directory.
Store /var/log/foo as [../]{N times}/var/log/foo? Or,
for files in a nearby directory, break them each time you copy the
project and open it from the new location? (Well the last operation is
dangerous currently - you'll be working on the previous files.)
That's what happened to me. The file i edited happened to be in the "opened" list in the project file, and the "wrong" one was opened when i checked out my second copy. It was just bad luck that /var/www happens to belong to my user account on that machine (so that i can check out the website from svn - we don't actually edit anything under that tree). If i had been on a system i didn't maintain myself, the error would have been caught when i tried to save (and it couldn't write).
i understand and appreciate the subtle problems involved, as i've had the same issues before in my own software, but it can (and has) been done. Use the project file's directory as the root and simply strip that part from all paths in the project file. Project files are, almost without exception, stored in the top level of the source tree. If they're not, they should be. It's just good manners and its where new project members/casual viewers expect to find them. Just like the 'configure' script and makefile.
The current behaviour fails miserably if i rename/move a directory or end up on a machine with a different user name (i.e. different path to my project file). Geany won't be able to find anything. If the paths are relative, such a change is transparent to the user.
It would have been nice to store anything under the project directory
as relative, and everything outside as absolute, but some of the
developers opposed even to that, can't remember why. There was also
talk about storing each filename as both relative and absolute, and try
to open the relative first. I thought that was implemented, but don't
see it anywhere. So, for now, what you see in the title is what you get.
i really appreciate the detailed response. :)