2006/7/19, Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger@uvena.de>:
On Wed, 19 Jul 2006 01:33:39 -0400, "John Gabriele" <jmg3000@gmail.com>


> 1. One problem I noticed right off the bat: auto-completion. I opened
> a new file (some Ruby), and typed:
> def foo
>     puts "hi"
> end[<-- cursor here]
> then when I hit <Enter> to end the line, geany quickly tacks on
> "DocumentSAXFunc" leaving me with:
This is fixed in the current SVN version.

> 2. How can I write my own syntax highlighting colorscheme? I'd like to
> maybe make something like this:
> http://radarzombies.org/slinky/zenburn-snapshot.png
> (http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=415 ).
Please read http://geany.uvena.de/manual/ch03s09.html
and if you need more information, just ask here.
If you finished your sheme and you think it is nice, it would be cool
if you send it to the list, so other people can use it too.

> 3. How can I learn about more text editing keybindings such as
> up-/down-by-paragraph, indent-/dedent-current selection, go to
> definition, hop between matching brackets/braces/parenthese, etc.?
Please read
and http://geany.uvena.de/manual/apa.html.

> 4. How do I shut off current-line-highlight?
At the moment it can't be completely disabled. You can just set the
background of the current line to 0xffffff, so it has the same
background with most styles. How to this, is described in
There will be a feature to completely disable it.

> 5. "Find next" isn't Ctrl-G. :) Ctrl-g seems to duplicate the current
> line. Just a personal preference (and I think lots of folks may be
> used to it too). The 'f' keys on my keyboard are tiny little things
> that I never touch and try to avoid. :)
Where is the problem? You can reassign the shortcuts in the preferences

> And also, a few other questions:
> Regarding regexes, what library does geany use for those? pcre, or are
> you rolling your own?
Regexps are passed to Scintilla.
The regexps are described here http://geany.uvena.de/manual/ch03s04.html
and since yesterday(so only in the SVN version) POSIX-like regexps are
also possible.

> By the way, although I'm not familiar with GTK programming, I think
> I'd read that some GTK-based editors (such as Anjuta and GEdit) use
> GtkSourceview (http://gtksourceview.sourceforge.net/). Does geany use
> Scintilla in place of that? If so, just curious, why?
As Luzi already mentioned, we already had this discussion on  Thu, 13
Jul 2006 18:26:48.
The main reason for Scintilla was: it had more features than
GtkSourceView when i started writing Geany.

 And, since I kinda like started that discussion that time, I would like to add that my sources were wrong. I've been trying and checking GtkSourceView the last week and it still lacks A LOT of features that Geany use. Scintilla is by far the best open option for us, I guess.

GtkSourceView support for some stuff we already use will probably be done after google summer of code only.

> Finally, stuff I really like so far:
> * All the helpful pop-up help text (in the yellow boxes). Very nice --
> please keep it up. :)
> * Edit --> Insert Comments --> GPL notice. Nice touch. :) (though why
> the extra indent there?)
Do you mean between # and the text?
You can edit these templates, please read

> * geany is quite fast.
> * Color chooser seems handy to have around.
> * built-in help feature found firefox right off the bat.
> * <Control>-click-drag rectangual selection! :)
> * Web page looks great.

Thanks for all.


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Alexandre Moreira.