
Is there a way to redirect F1 or perheaps shift F1 to show help by project?
I mean if I hit F1 while editing *.py to get python help, if i edit *.asm to get asm help  etc...

It can be done within "Set build Command" but I can assign hotkey only for 1'st item in each group but is already taken (and needed)
In the manual there are stated:

Keyboard shortcuts can be defined for the first two filetype menu items, the first three independent menu items, the first two execute menu items and the fixed menu items. In the keybindings configuration dialog (see Keybinding preferences) these items are identified by the default labels shown in the Build Menu section above.

It is currently not possible to bind keyboard shortcuts to more than these menu items.

But I can set keybinding only to 1'st item in each group. How to do with other?!?
