I use the Project Plugin. Would be good if I could tie it to that to have each project assigned its own venv. Yes using workon in a build would be hard as you cannot prompt for input as to what 'workon (self)'.

Still we have the project plugin and the vc plugin both for workin on project code(as it appears to me). Pydev just asks for the venv and ties it to the project.

Will post if I come to a solution that works well.


On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 8:20 PM, Frank Lanitz <frank@frank.uvena.de> wrote:
Am 01.02.2014 01:18, schrieb Sayth Renshaw:
> Was thinking in django projects managing the whole projects in geany.

Maybe you can post your outcome at some point -> wiki maybe?


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