On 30 September 2012 00:06, Mostafa Alshrief
<mostafa_alshrief@yahoo.com> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: Colomban Wendling <lists.ban@herbesfolles.org>
To: geany@uvena.de
Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2012 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Geany] a question about file management in Geany
Le 29/09/2012 14:50, Mostafa Alshrief a écrit :
> hi there,
> i have a question about file management in Geany
> i need to store all the project files in the document bar(the sidebar)
> but keep the window tab's clean for only the file(s) i'm working on
That's not possible, the Document sidebar displays all open files, just
like the editor's tab bar.
> the problem is if i closed a file from the file(s) tab it gets removed
> from the document sidebar and Geany doesn't remember it in the project
> files the next time i open the project
Stock Geany project files only stores a list of open files, plus a few
settings, so as you says, closing a file will remove it from the "project".
However, there are plugins you might want to try out that provide
different/enhanced project support, including, I think, what you want
(gproject, geanyprj).
gproject works just fine, but i think this should be a built in feature
Geany supports a wide range of languages, and therefore users with a wide range of workflows. Which means that the semantics and even the meaning of a "project" differ greatly between users. So Geany does not and should not impose any particular meaning to "project". And thats why there are two different project plugins.