On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 4:37 PM, Matthew Brush <mbrush@codebrainz.ca> wrote:
On 13-02-23 01:32 PM, Matthew Brush wrote:
On 13-02-23 11:57 AM, Codger wrote:
Greetings All,

This "kludge" may interest those who are interested in using Geany to
source files in languages for which Geany has no native support.

I have managed to obtain a high degree of support for the Euphoria
Programming Language, including syntax color and context sensitive
help, by
backing up the original lua support files/references in filetypes.lua,
filetype_extensions.conf, and snippets.conf,  and then editing the lua
files/references to
support Euphoria.  Support for Lua can be swapped/restored back by
executing a batch file type program,
written in Euphoria, which overwrites the the euphoria enabled, files
the origninal Lua support  files.  In like manner, Euphoria support
can be
selected again by copying/overwriting the Lua enabled files with those
supporting Euphoria.

TLDR; but you can make a custom filetype based on Lua's without
clobbering the old one, there's some info in the manual:

The general idea goes something like this:

     $ cp /usr/local/share/geany/filetypes.lua \

And then edit the filetypes.Euphoria.conf file to customize keywords,
settings, styles, etc. Then you need to add an extension to
filetype_extensions.conf [Extensions] group:


And then add it to a [Groups] group in that same file:


Then after you restart all Geany instances you can have Lua and Euphoria
side by side without having to choose which one is supported.

Forgot the last step, put it on Geany's Wiki :)

Matthew Brush
Users mailing list

Perhaps I am doing something continually wrong, but I have not been
able to get the approach you have outlined above, which is described
in the manual to work - the syntax coloring does not work.

Let me be specific - the filetypes.lua file when edited to support Euphoria 
works very, very well - almost flawlessly (folding is a wee bit funky) 
When this file is copied to the filename filetypes.Euphoria.conf, and Geany is
restarted, and Euphoria Source Code is selected from the Document/Set Filetypes/Scripting Languages menu - all text color reverts to black in files with the designated Euphoria extensions.

I am puzzled as to why the method you have described, which is also described
in the Geany manual, apparently works for some type of language files, but not
for Euphoria.  I should also note that at least two other Euphoria user's have failed to obtain color syntax support for Euphoria files, except by editing the lua support files, as I have done.

I am attaching the file filetypes.Euphoria.conf which is what I use renamed as
filetypes.lua, just in case you, or some one else familiar with Geany might find
out what is going wrong where.

Your assistance is appreciated.

Ken Rhodes
Kenneth Rhodes
Ubuntu 12.1
100% MicroSoft Free!