Hi @ all,
is there a posibility to search in all word of an document?
there are no matches for words inside strings ( sql-queries f.e. ) or 

I'm not sure whether I'm understanding you right.
You want an auto completion for "bar" from the following example:

$foo = "bar";
Then Geany should suggest "bar" in the auto completion list?

Yes, if I've got let s say 2 queries:

$Query1 = "SELECT ColWithLongNameAndMeaning1, ColWithLongerNameAndMeaning2 FROM ".$tblWhatEver.";";

And I write $Query2 = "SELECT CONCAT( Col

then it would be nice if auto completion would find both of the previous ColNames ( and what ever else begins with "Col".
This is the easiest way to find out ( without scrolling 500s of lines up ) if I write the col or variable correct.

In Kate it is like this, but Kate does not support custom definitions of function setc. for auto completion. So I ' ve spent the whole night to customize the syntaxhighlighting ( colors ) and tags and now I do not now if - and when how to get this work in Geany :(
I forgot:

If you edit a Javascript-file with an Object-definition in the json way:
var blubber = {
    x : 0,
    foo : function(){
       return "bar";
autocolpletion does not work, because no functions like "function foo().." are found ( I think ), too.