Hi Lex
Thanks for your response.
One simple solution would be to drop the trailing bracket from the regex.
Do you think this would be an acceptable change?
On 14 December 2010 18:23, Murray Collingwood
<murray@focus-computing.com.au> wrote:Yes there is a regex, but its hard coded.
> Hello (first time on this list)
> Just a question, maybe something I can hack, maybe something somebody else
> needs to hack?
> I have php code that looks like this:
> function puctstatus($puctid) {
> ...
> }
> The 'Symbols' list in the sidebar then lists for me the function name and
> all is good.
> However if my code is like this:
> function puctstatus($puctid,
> $category,
> $flags) {
> .....
> }
> Then the function is not recognised and does not appear in the symbols list.
> Is there a file somewhere full of regex type codes that I can edit to modify
> this or is it all hardcoded in a program somewhere?
This is it, where ALPHA and ALNUM are the ranges you would expect
"^[ \t]*[(public|protected|private|static|final)[ \t]*]*[
\t]*function[ \t]+&?[ \t]*([" ALPHA "_][" ALNUM
I'd guess the problem is that \\(.*\\) matches anything in () after
the function name but the regex code only matches against a line at a
time and has no way of continuing the match beyond a line.
The only way to go beyond a line seems to be to use a character by
character hardcoded parser such as C uses.
In tagmanager/php.c there is a bunch of code that looks like someone
started to do it, status unknown.
> _______________________________________________
> Cheers
> mc
> --
> Murray Collingwood
> Focus Computing
> p +61 415 24 26 24
> http://www.focus-computing.com.au
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