2006/7/18, Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger@uvena.de>:
On Tue, 18 Jul 2006 14:21:33 -0300, "Alexandre Moreira"
<alexandream@gmail.com> wrote:

> Does anyone in this list has a windows build for Geany SVN ? It
> doesn't need to be the ultimate bleeding edge, just a more recent one
> than 0.7.
> I use SVN at home (linux) but have no building environment to do that
> here at work (where I'm forced to use windows...) and no windows at
> home to build it there.
You lucky one, booting Windows and building Geany was on my TODO list
for weeks. Now, I did it and was successful(not the usual case with
me and Windows ;-)):

 Wow! That was luck. I was indeed only asking to be sure, but I was expecting a "Sorry, none of we have it".

As usual, it is not very well tested(read not tested), so any comments
are welcome. I just build it and since there were no compiler errors
and warnings, I put the files in the archive.

Thanks, Enrico. I'm gonna test it here. 

@Nick: this time I built it against GTK 2.6.7, can you test it
regarding the unresolved symbol issue?


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