I moved my config out of the way, and started Geany.  I closed the default open document, and Geany remained open.  I moved my config back, and repeated the same thing.  Geany remained open.  I tried opening a bunch of files and closing them one at a time (the original case I ran into issues with).  Geany remained open.

Whatever was happening before is no longer happening.  Thanks for looking into it, and suggesting potential fixes.  Consider it a non-issue at this point.


On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 5:28 PM, Jiří Techet <techet@gmail.com> wrote:

On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 2:59 PM, Justin Rittenhouse <jrittenh@nd.edu> wrote:
I haven't changed plugins between versions, I'm currently using Addons, GeanyLipsum, GeanyVC, Git Change Bar, HTML Characters, Insert Numbers, Line Operations, XML PrettyPrinter, and XML Snippets.

I tried to enable those but still cannot reproduce it. Would you try disabling the plugins to see if there's any change?

What exactly happens in your case - when you close the last tab, Geany completely quits?

I suspect I came from 1.26, as I don't have 1.27 in my downloads folder.  Could that make a difference?

It shouldn't matter (I think there was no configuration incompatibility introduced and also the whole app bundle should get replaced). But you could try if default Geany settings helps - close Geany and do

mv ~/.config/geany ~/.config/geany1

This should move Geany's settings to a location where it cannot find it and upon the next start it will create default configuration (you can then restore your original configuration by moving geany1 back to geany).



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