Developers will probably not look at these as being worth adding which I can understand, but here are some ideas that could improve the keyboard functionality in the Preferences - Keybindings section, maybe some of them would be considered to be added.
`KEYBOARD HOTKEYS IN PREFERENCES - KEYBINDINGS PANE` `Left Arrow` on category name = collapse category `Right Arrow` on category name = expand category `Enter` on category name = toggle expand/collapse category
`Enter` on action name = open the dialog to set the hotkey `Right Arrow` on action name = open the dialog to set the hotkey Currently Right Arrow moves focus to the "Shortcuts" column and then Enter key allows user to type which is a bug that would need to be fixed first LINK
Thank You
Sounds reasonable to me (also #4184). Could be done easily after #4192 is merged.
I was not really expecting anyone to agree with these requests, thank you. Also as mentioned in my response in 4192, thank you again for also working on adding a search/filter to the Preferences - Keybinding section.