* When choosing "Open Selected File `↑^o`" in the context menu, if the selected text is a directory, * a message appears in the status tab in the message window saying: `hh:mm:ss: Error opening file ---: Is a directory`
the suggestion is to: 1. either enable opening that directory in the "file browser plugin" if that's enabled 2. or allow selecting text in the status window : https://github.com/geany/geany/issues/3321
Geany does not know anything about plugins, so Geany itself can't communicate with a plugin. Possibly the plugin could add an extra option like "open in file browser" to the context menu, but it has to be the plugin that does it.
oh, i thought that plugin was official from geany
and what about the path to be clickable?
Sure the filebrowser plugin is distributed with Geany by default, but its still a plugin, it still obeys the same rules as any other plugin, which is that plugins can do things using Geany, but Geany has no way of knowing how to do things using a plugin. All Geany knows about plugins is how to load and unload them, everything else is done by the plugin.
I'm not sure parts of text messages can be made clickable, and what would it do if it was clickable, it can't open in a plugin because Geany knows nothing about plugins remember, and since the error message is logged from deep within the file open code its not something a plugin could modify.
"open in file browser" to the context menu, but it has to be the plugin that does it
so, where should the issue regarding that go?
"open in file browser" to the context menu, but it has to be the plugin that does it
so, where should the issue regarding that go?
Since filebrowser is in this repository, here, then somebody might decide to do it.
Closed #3322 as not planned.