geany -V: geany 1.35 (kompiliert am 2019-07-01 mit GTK 3.24.8, GLib 2.60.2) pkg-config --modversion gtk+-3.0: 3.24.10 pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0: 2.24.32 uname -r: 5.2.11-arch1-1-ARCH
I try to explain it: In geany the underline is not visible its shown as a space. If you open the same text in an other editor the underline is present. With this bug its impossible to use geany as an editor, especially not as a developement tool.
e.g.: original: BASH_CMDS: a bash_variable geany: BASH CMDS: a bash variable hex-editor: 42 41 53 48 5F 43 4D 44 53 3A 20 61 20 62 61 73 68 5F 76 61 72 69 61 62 6C 65 0A
Kind regards, Walter
Works for me.
Its likely that your font is not providing correct height info and the underscore is being overwritten by the next line.
You can adjust interline spacing with the `line_height` setting in your colour scheme (if its set there) or in `filetypes.common`.
Sounds like a duplicate of #1387?
It happens on my system as well: ArchLinux Xfce 4.14 Geany 1.36 (git >= c88c27e2), en_US.utf8 GTK 2.24.32, GLib 2.60.6 Font: DejaVu Sans Mono Book Size: 8
As mentioned in #1387, changing font size makes the underscore visible (though there no usable font size where it appears).
The same happens with Scite (Version 4.2.0 compiled for GTK 3.24.10).
So I think this might be an issue either with the DejaVu Sans font or with Scintilla.
Do other fonts work?
Yes, some other fonts work.
I can't reproduce here with either a GTK+ 2 or GTK+ 3 build with "DejaVu Sans Mono Book", although the underscore is well below the other letters, and I've definitely hit this issue before at some point.
Seems to be [fairly common](, maybe it was fixed in `fontconfig` or `fonts-dejavu` or something (`fontconfig` v2.12.6 and `fonts-dejavu` v2.37-1 here).
Definitely is the font, not Geany, and workaround described above.
Closed #2287.
Is not the font, for me not work the size of the font and I am using Monospace Regular, this issue is present from geany 1.36...
@GFdevelop did you try the workaround noted [above](
@elextr yes, I tried some values: ``` line_height=1;1; line_height=10;10; line_height=0;10; line_height=10;0; line_height=100;100; line_height=100;-10; ``` but nothing work...I'm using Monospace Regular from geany v1.2* and only now there is this....
@GFdevelop also note that Monospace is usually an alias for another font, its not an actual font, so you have to find what its an alias for to find the culprit.
(Copied from
I just got the `line_height` workaround to work with excellent results. The `line_height` setting can be found in "Tools" > "Configuration Files" > "filetypes.common". To change this setting from its default `line_height=0;0;` there are two things to note:
* `#~` lines are commented and have no effect. * The file format is an [INI file]( so uncommenting the `line_height` line is insufficient because the `[styling]` section is also required; either uncomment this line or add a new `[styling]` section at the end.
The only uncommented lines in my filetypes.common are now:
``` [styling] line_height=0;2; ```
With this setting and DejaVu Sans Mono Book size 12, underscores are visible. Using `line_height=0;1;` also works, but `line_height=0;2;` gives me, for the first time ever, exact agreement (as far as I can tell) with the line height in xfce4-terminal.
(Copied from #2466)
I just got the `line_height` workaround to work with excellent results. The `line_height` setting can be found in "Tools" > "Configuration Files" > "filetypes.common". To change this setting from its default `line_height=0;0;` there are two things to note:
* `#~` lines are commented and have no effect. * The file format is an [INI file]( so uncommenting the `line_height` line is insufficient because the `[styling]` section is also required; either uncomment this line or add a new `[styling]` section at the end.
The only uncommented lines in my filetypes.common are now:
[styling] line_height=0;2;
With this setting and DejaVu Sans Mono Book size 12, underscores are visible. Using `line_height=0;1;` also works, but `line_height=0;2;` gives me, for the first time ever, exact agreement (as far as I can tell) with the line height in xfce4-terminal.
Thank you, it's work!!!