Building debugger from git I find that in the debug tab of the message window (F4) there is and empty frame with the title 'command line arguments' . It appears that this should be and editable input.
There is no way to enter command line arguments for the debugger.
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Seems the relevant code is here: ``` /* arguments */ args_frame = gtk_frame_new(_("Command Line Arguments")); hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0); gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(hbox), 5); args_textview = gtk_text_view_new (); gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(args_textview), GTK_WRAP_CHAR); buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(args_textview)); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(buffer), "changed", G_CALLBACK (on_arguments_changed), NULL); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(hbox), args_textview); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(args_frame), hbox); ```
I'm only getting the frame !
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LOL, these dumb "widgets" can shrink down so small that they no longer display their contents.
By coincidence, my F4 window was just the right size to have the frame display cleanly but to hide text element that it contains and without displaying a visible cursor. So all I had was the inactive frame I reported.
Having a lib of automatically resizing widgets is nice: as long as they resize in an intelligent and readable fashion.
In fact this window turns into a complete mess if it gets resized even smaller.
Is there a property to set a minimum height for these elements so that they don't start to overly on top of each other , dribble onto the status bar or loose their primary functionality , like text input?
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TRUE if space given to child by the expand option is actually allocated to child , rather than just padding it. This parameter has no effect if expand is set to FALSE.** A child is always allocated the full height of a GtkHBox and the full width of a GtkVBox. This option affects the other dimension**
That does not seem to be happening to the hbox containing the textedit in question !
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Confirm, I can enter agruments, but when I run it - nothing happens ![_2015-11-15_15-23-44]( ![_2015-11-15_15-23-57](
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If the args are long or there are more than 3 arguments - no arguments are passed to program
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@J-Dunn the problem is that Geany's bottom pane, where the debugger tab is located, is set to allow shrinking smaller than what the widgets in it need. You then see the effects of under-allocation. In Geany this was done on purpose so you can hide the bottom panel completely, or make it as small as you like no matter what.
I'm not sure what the debugger plugin can do here, but maybe try and resize the bottom pane to a more sensible size when it loads or something, so it is initially in an usable state.
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