The tool to comment/uncomment Lines could be more elegant, adding all the # to the BEGINNING of lines! And I saw a bug, it failing today, couldn't uncomment had to use REPLACE tool. Works well to comment, but to uncomment, FAILED.
My suggestion is like this: Nowadays | Desired ---------------------------------------------------- # code # code #code # code #code # code
You did not mention which language you were working in. From the '#', I suspect it was Python.
Note that uncommenting with ^E only works if the line was commented with the same command. By default, Geany comments with `'# ~ '` (you can change that in `Preferences | Editor | Toggle comment marker`). Take care with the ' ' at the end of that field - it's there! Of course '#' is implied - that depends on Python.
So, if you comment with ^E, it inserts `'# ~ '`. If you try to uncomment, that will only work if it finds `'# ~ '` in the line(s).
About the comment formatting - That is a question of taste, I'm afraid...
Since nobody has asked for this formatting before (@osergioabreu you _did_ search for existing open or closed issues before you raised this didn't you? :grin:) users either don't care because they only use it to temporarily comment out code and will remove it quickly, or they like it like that.
So if "somebody" made a pull request which made the formatting an option it likely would be accepted so both tastes are accommodated.
@JohnCC330 wrote:
Of course '#' is implied - that depends on Python.
Specifically it is the single line comment setting in the filetype file for the filetype.
Just noticed this issue and adding comments to the beginning of line is possible and it's controlled by this option (you want to set it to `false`)
You configure it for the language you use using Tools->Configuration files->Filetype configuration.