I installed geany using `apt`. By default, it opens in dark mode and the toolbar icons can be barely seen. Image: 
Normally geany looks like [this.](https://www.geany.org/media/uploads/screenshots/geany_light_2019-05-20.png) (Image is taken from geany's website). I tried reinstalling geany but it didn't work. I am using `Linux Mint Cinnamon 20.2`. Any fixes for the icons and how to change it to light mode?
The theming for everything in Geany except the edit window is set by the desktop theme, so you just change your desktop theme to get light. The taskbar works here with Mint 20 cinnamon Mint-Y-Dark theme on Geany 1.38.
Always post the first few lines of `Help->Debug Messages` with GTK/Glib versions.
On Ubuntu, any icon theme with a "-Dark" suffix should work fine. I'd expect the same with other distros.
Another workaround, hide the toolbar.
Normally geany looks like this. (Image is taken from geany's website).
No, thats just what it looks like on someones system, and by the look of it thats pretty olde, maybe even GTK2, @eht16 do we know where the website images came from?
Normally geany looks like this. (Image is taken from geany's website).
No, thats just what it looks like on someones system, and by the look of it thats pretty olde, maybe even GTK2, @eht16 do we know where the website images came from?
Not generally but in the mentioned screenshot (https://www.geany.org/media/uploads/screenshots/geany_light_2019-05-20.png) it's easy to know who made it by checking the path of the file currently being edited :).
hmmm, combining who it was from, and 2019, I guess it is probably GTK2 [ducks] :grin:
Anyhow can't reproduce here on Mint 20.0 Cinnamon with Geany 1.36 or 1.38, so unless something broke on 20.2 I suggest it would be some issue with the OPs system, but have no clue what.
@elextr I can reproduce by using a dark widget theme with a light icon theme. I think using that combination of themes is *not* Geany's problem though.
Closed #2966.
Ok, I just tried all light or all dark, agree problems with themes is not something Geany can do anything about. In theory the user could tweak the themes with `geany.css` but having looked at Mints theme CSS I wouldn't want to try and its outside the scope of Geany issues.