The real name of the struct in Lua 5.1 is luaL_Reg. Lua 5.1 contains a define for compatibility, but it is not present in LuaJIT or later 5.x releases. You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* GeanyLua: Use luaL_Reg instead of luaL_reg
-- File Changes --
M geanylua/glspi_app.c (2) M geanylua/glspi_dlg.c (2) M geanylua/glspi_doc.c (2) M geanylua/glspi_init.c (2) M geanylua/glspi_kfile.c (2) M geanylua/glspi_run.c (2) M geanylua/glspi_sci.c (2) M geanylua/gsdlg_lua.c (2)
-- Patch Links --
This was a straightforward find/replace to update the name of a struct. It is a necessary precursor to other updates/fixes of this plugin. Please merge. Thank you.
@b4n approved this pull request.
Builds fine, and indeed the lua 5.1 header seems to define this as compat only
Merged #1231 into master.