I use the plugin auto-close and thus I've disabled all the options for Completions > auto-close inside Geany preferences.
In auto-close, I have the following config: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2631430/54814341-ca534580-4c8f-11e...)
The plugin works for all the symbols and in all languages except for the backquote, which behaves as It'd be any other usual character: It does not auto-close or generate two backquotes when I type one.
I'm using Geany 1.33 on Ubuntu 16.04 and Spanish layout for the keyboard.
Interesting, I've tried changing the keyboard layout to English and now it works :confused:
To add some extra information, in the Spanish keyboard, we need to type the <code>`</code> key twice in order to print it alone (it's like, first type on it keeps waiting for another character to decorate it, so it forms letters like: à, ù,.. same for our `´` symbol)
Composing is part of the input method. Thats way before Geany sees the keystrokes, X11 and its input processing and GTK and its input methods all have their evil way with the keys way before Geany sees them. We just get the resulting composed character. So when you type it twice does it produce the Ascii code for backquote, or some other character?
When I type it twice, I get one single <code>`</code>.
But is that the same character code? The plugin likely only recognises the Ascii code 0x60.
I have written a small program in pascal which tells me the ascii code of the keys I press and I get that same ascii code in both english keyboard and in spanish keyboard with second press (first press on <code>`</code> returns nothing).
Ingenious, but sadly not nesccessarily right since GTK also does keyboard handling and your program doesn't account for that :disappointed:
Probably best is to create files in Geany, one with English keyboard and one with Spanish and look at them with a hexdump program (GHex or similar) to see if they are the same.
I'm pushing this because we have had a problem where GTK translates a c to a Cyrrilic c but v stays as Ascii v (making ctrl-c not work, and ctrl-v still work) and we need to rule it out.
They do: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2631430/54877284-a2ddb380-4e1c-11e...) [The files in case you want to download them.](https://we.tl/t-x6KQLrTm4P)
As a side note, this works in the Atom editor with the Spanish keyboard: after pressing twice the key for <code>`</code>, I get two <code>`</code>.