I'd like to suggest a feature.
Currently symbols list is very brief, it would be nice to know more about functions in it: for example, return type and input arguments, probably length in LOC.
The functions declaration is shown by the tooltip when you hold the cursor over the entry on the symbols pane.
On windows it is not. I'll check it onlinux later, but I don't remember such feature.
And mouse hover isn't the nicest way. How about an option for table view?
Depends on the language parser recognising the definition, at least works for functions in C, C++ and Python on Linux, don't have other language sources immediately available and can't test windows.
The benefit a tooltip has over a table is that it expands to accommodate the size of the declaration (since declarations can be large). I'm not sure an expanded table is a good idea, it would use lots of the screen, but if somebody made a pull request with it controlled by a setting it could be evaluated.
Probably whole declaration is not the best idea for table, but return type should be fine.
Works for me on Windows 7 and Ubuntu 16.04 with C symbols.
Probably something on my side then. Sorry about that.
But, still, I hope my proposition willl be supported by somebody.
The tooltips do not show up for you?