ralf3u created an issue (geany/geany#4254)
**Steps to reproduce** 1. condition: only the editor is visible (so, no sidebar) 2. press the shortcut "Toggle Sidebar" to let appear the sidebar 3. click with left key of the mouse on the vertical line between editor and sidebar, and move the vertical line so far till the edge of the Geany window, so that sidebar has 100% width (editor is not more visible) 4. release the left key of the mouse
**Result** Neither the tab-title nor the content-area of the sidebar have focus. Something else of the sidebar is in focus, and I think it is the frame around the sidebar. I would like to give the reason why something in the sidebar is in focus: If I press only one time the arrow-left-key, the arrow-right-key or the arrow-up-key, then the content-area of the sidebar has focus. I would like to give the reason why maybe the frame around the sidebar is in focus: If I press one time the arrow-down-key, then only the tab-title of the sidebar is in focus, but not the content-area of the sidebar. So, it seems to be that with the arrow-down-key there is a navigation from the frame around the sidebar to the tab-title of the sidebar. (Annotation: I have to press again one time the arrow-down-key, so that also the content-area of the sidebar is in focus. The reason why the arrow-down-key needs to be pressed two times is maybe because of #3966).
**Expectation** The content-area of the sidebar should be in focus.
**Possible solution** When the vertical line between editor and sidebar is changing with the mouse, then something like this should be fired when releasing the key of the mouse: `IF sidebar width=100% THEN set the content-area of the sidebar in focus.` The first part is working (IF sidebar width=100% ...), because something in the sidebar is in focus. But the second part (... THEN set the content-area of the sidebar in focus) there is at the moment something else in focus than the content-area of the sidebar. To set the content-area of the sidebar in focus can be done with the code of the shortcut "Switch to Sidebar" because there the code works correctly.
**System** Geany 2.0 Lubuntu 24.10