The path to look for filetypes files mentioned in ```filetypes.README``` is ```/usr/share/geany```. This is not correct for Ubuntu. Under Ubuntu the path is ```/usr/local/share/geany```.
It should be considered to mention both pathes (or even more if known for other linux distributions). So I suggest to extend the text in the README file.
I did not check because I am not using Windows at home but is the README file the same for windows? It will also have a different path of course.
Maybe it should be replace by something like $PREFIX
What you mean? $PREFIX literally? Or would the makefile put in the corresponding path?
@LarsGit223 actually the location directly depends where Geany was installed, so it we want to have it perfectly right we should generate the file at build time.
@LarsGit223 by $PREFIX @frlan means the location geany is built to be installed into, which is why @b4n noted it has to be set at build time.
Well at build or install time, `sed` experts are welcome to make a pull request.
I'd vote rather for a more generic phrasing. `/usr/share` should be right for most users as this is usually the path used by distro packages. `/usr/local/share` is the default if you compile from source yourself and do not specify an installation prefix, this is not the way *most* users do install Geany, I guess. Those users who install Geany from source and use a custom prefix, probably know what they are doing and so also can mentally replace the provided default path in the documentation/README with that they used for `./configure`.
In the documentation, we already have a few paragraphs about different config/resource file paths, see Maybe we could just refer to this part of the docs in the README?
Something like "$PREFIX" could rather increase confusion for users rather than solving it.