Hello, I'm having problems using Geany in Clojure files with regular expression, using the #"pattern" reader macro. Sometimes the closing double quote is interpreted as an opening quote and whatever comes after, as a string. I think it happens when I need to use the parens to capture a group in the pattern. My Geany version is 1.27, my system is Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya. Any ideas? Thanks in advance! Here's a screen capture of a simple example to illustrate the problem (this code works, the output of lein run is `Hello,`):

Presumably it's treating `#"` [as a function abbreviation just like it would `#'`](http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/02_dhb.htm), even though the former is undefined in Common Lisp. I don't think it knows anything about Clojure specifically.
Its simply that the Clojure filetype is built on the Lisp filetype, and uses the Lisp highlighting lexer. But `#"` is undefined in Common Lisp so it skips the opening " and starts a string at the closing ".
Highlighting is done by the Scintilla editing widget we use, which is a separate [project](www.scintilla.org) so you should report it there and maybe it can be added since `#"` is undefined in Lisp.
@martinodb did you report it to scintilla, maybe post a link to the scintilla issue.
Well, here it is, better late than never, I guess ;)