Hi i try to sign in mailing list but never retun if i am signed or not , and i cant send mail for required support , i would want active in geany 1.38 in linux mint , the tertiary higlights word in perl i tryed to modify filetypes.perl and create a section [keyword] and insert primary secondary and tertiary , and after i modify a file of my colorscheme himbeere.conf i insert a exadecimal value for ne color Gold and i tryed to play with this part of code keyword=berry;;true keyword_1=keyword keyword_2=cyan;;true keyword_3=bluegrey keyword_4=keyword_3 but nothing if i change keywor_1=keybord for example change in keybord_1=gold;;true it change color from berryto gold , whats wrong anyone can help me ? thanks
I think the ML approval bot is a human, they have sooo much downtime called sleep, might take time to approve :-)
The perl lexer only accepts one keyword list AFAIK.
The perl lexer only accepts one keyword list AFAIK.
yea but i want try to higlights a tertiary list word and use for example a filetypes.perl but is only for test anyone have solution or tutorial for do it ?
As I said, the perl lexer only acepts one list, you will have to modify the [lexer](https://github.com/geany/geany/blob/master/scintilla/lexilla/lexers/LexPerl....) if you want to have more than one.
but why inside of this folder i saw only filetypes. common perl python readme and i have also highlight for bash script but not exist a file ?? thanks
Which folder?
ops sorry /home/stefano/.config/geany/filedefs
Thats where your edited filetypes files go, only the ones you have changed are there, the unchanged ones are in the system install directory.
ups sorry /home/stefano/.config/geany/filedefs in this folder
and where install geany in linux mint ? ?
Thats distro specific, the Geany project does not determine what prefix is used in packages, you can use the distro tools (eg synaptic) to examine where packages are installed.
You should not touch the system files, they get overwritten during an upgrade. Use `Tools->Configuration Files->etc` to load the selected file and they will save to your user config.
where install geany in linux mint
Open *Help->Debug Messages* and look for `System data dir` near the top.
i find this location /usr/bin: here is the Geany executable, i.e. the file that is started when the application is launched. /usr/share/geany: Geany's system files are located in this directory, including icons, images and default configuration files. ~/.config/geany: This directory contains user-specific configuration files, such as personal preferences, file templates, plugins, and tags. ~/.local/share/geany: This directory contains files that you have created with Geany, such as text documents and projects. i tryed to modify for example filetypes.ruby insert tertiary and insert some word in cholorscheme at my theme i change keyword_3=FFD700;;true but nothing not change is impossible have a tertiary color ?
I think the ML approval bot is a human, they have sooo much downtime called sleep, might take time to approve :-)
Actually not. The ML usually do not need manual intervention except for a few moderation requests which are caused by users who used a sender address which is not registered or just spammers.
@faustf what exactly did you try? How and where did you try to register (via mail or web form, which address or URL)? When did you tried it and which email address did you use?