I get `Error opening file /<path>/index.html: No such file or directory` <path> is the path to the directory that contains the markdown file I'm trying to load.
If I open the plugin preferences and change the template to "template.html" I get a different error:
```[general] template=/home/ventsyvelev/.config/geany/plugins/markdown/markdown.conf [view] position=0 font_name=Serif code_font_name=Mono font_point_size=12 code_font_point_size=12 bg_color=#ffffff fg_color=#000000```
Geany 1.38 Ubuntu 22
If I open the plugin preferences and change the template to "template.html" I get a different error:
What error?
[general] template=/home/ventsyvelev/.config/geany/plugins/markdown/markdown.conf
That setting should indeed point to a HTML template, so probably why the index.html was not created.
What error?
[general] template=/home/ventsyvelev/.config/geany/plugins/markdown/markdown.conf [view] position=0 font_name=Serif code_font_name=Mono font_point_size=12 code_font_point_size=12 bg_color=#ffffff fg_color=#000000
What am I missing?
`index.html` is the file written by converting the markdown to html for display in the viewer, it is created by the plugin, but it needs a template file to know how to create that. But your template file does not point to an html template, see https://plugins.geany.org/markdown.html for more information.
OK, that makes sense. In my case the template file was not set in the preferences. Now that I set it to ~/.config/geany/plungins/markdown/template.html, the markdown files are rendered when I open them, but if I right click in the markdown window and click "Reload" I'm still getting `Error opening file /<path>/index.html: No such file or directory`