I'm using geany v1.3.5 and arc dark theme in manjaro linux (cinnamon desktop).
See this screenshot image: https://i.postimg.cc/xjJpmmSM/ss1.png
The tab close "x" icon/button is difficult to see due to grey color it uses for dark theme.
I think the "x" icon color should be white or using lighter color.
As you said yourself its the theme, not Geany, on Minty-dark theme the Xes are the same colour as the filename.
Closed #2273.
@anjari are the X's in other GTK+ apps like that too? I don't know about Cinnamon, but in other DE's I've used, the setting for GTK+ and Icon themes are separate, so if you choose a dark widget theme, you also need to switch to a light icon theme.
@codebrainz is correct, Cinnamon can set themes for:
- window borders - icons - controls - mouse ponter - desktop
independently in Desktop->Preferences->Themes
Also, GTK+3 broke on-the-fly theme changes, so apps have to be restarted when you change the themes
Odd, that should work in GTK3 as well, and does IME (although I did have had to provide a fix for something related to this a few years back, which might suggest they don't pay enough attention to this working properly when refactoring the world).
Immediate theme change works for me on Mint Cinnamon and GTK3 Geany, but thats a LTS version, so yeah, maybe it depends on what they broke today (Manjaro IIUC is much closer to the bleeding edge being Arch based).
It turns out that I'm using Papirus-Adapta-Maia theme icon which has grey color "x" icon (I'm using arc dark theme for the theme's control). The issue showed up after I did a system update couple days ago, probably there is update on the adapta-maia theme package which changed the icons. Changing the theme's icon fixes the issue.
Odd, that should work in GTK3 as well, and does IME...
I've definitely had issues with it, I can't remember if it was just certain (weird) apps like Firefox, or maybe Xfce or KDE specific issue, or possibly just one of GTK+2 or 3 apps not updating when a dual-support theme is selected. Anyway, whenever it happens/happened, restarting the app always fixed it.