I've got a Bash script and it is using arrays (something the other shells don't have, maybe that's why this isn't more thoroughly tested?). It cannot handle nested parenthesis, I'm not sure if this problem is actually Scintilla.
Here is how to reproduce, enter the following into a file t.bsh: ``` #!/bin/bash declare -a MYARRAY
MYARRAY+=("intentional aor unintentional features") MYARRAY+=("(intentional aor unintentional) features") MYARRAY+=("((intentional) aor (unintentional)) errors") MYARRAY+=("((intentionally) aor (unintentionally)) broken")
echo "this should not look this way" ``` Then open it in Geany and have a look at the coloring. It breaks on the nested parenthesis in the third array element.
Confirmed with 1.31, problem does not appear with Scite 3.6.0 (whats in my distro), can anybody test with Scite 3.7.4 which has the same Scintilla as Geany 1.31?
I downloaded and built SciTe 3.7.4, the file looks like this after opening: ![testbashinscite374](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9009011/28427586-f2cc43da-6d76-11e...)
SciTe shows the following version numbers in the about dialog: Version 3.7.4 compiled for GTK+ 2.24.30 Jul 20 2017 18:04:40
It looks like someone broke Scintilla, I've launched a bug ticket on Scintilla: https://sourceforge.net/p/scintilla/bugs/1963/
Update: it looks good in SciTe 3.7.5: ![testbashinscite375](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9009011/28430006-229f62d8-6d7f-11e...)
So it seems like it has been fixed already .
I assume it was fixed with this ticket: https://sourceforge.net/p/scintilla/bugs/1944/
Thanks, I hope so. I'll let them close it themselves if it has, I don't have the environment to test.
I cloned, compiled, installed and tested with b4n's branch scintilla/update-375. With that version this problem is solved. So I can confirm that PR #1503 would fix this.
@LarsGit223 thanks for testing #1503, it should be included in the next Geany release, so hopefully this will be fixed then.
:thumbsup: Great!
Thanks, when the next release is out it should be easy to quickly test and then we can close this. In the meantime if anyone is frustrated about this a workaround is to temporarily comment out the problematic array element assignments - that will put the highlighting back to normal and you can develop the remainder of the code then uncomment the array assignments when you are ready to start executing.
I downloaded and built release 1.32 and re-tested this. Looks good, I think this can be closed.
Closed #1549.
Note: This issue is fixed, yet the colorization is still wrong for HERE-DOC's. It is broken in Scintilla there is an open bug yet it's a low priority, it should probably get "auto-fixed" via Scintilla at some point.
I suggest that you open a new issue for that with a specific example code which reproduces the problem.