Projectorganizer plugin lets us add external directories But Find in Files searches in a specific directory only instead of the whole project
I have a project for my app and added external directories for some libraries And I cannot search in the whole project
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@derba You can - under the "Project" menu there's "Find in project files" which always uses the project root as the search directory. You can also assign a custom keybinding for it.
I wanted to make it default in Geany in but others didn't like it so there has to be a different keybinding for project find in files.
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@techee IIUC the OP's point is that it can sear in only *one* directory, whereas ProjectOrganizer allows for several directories. So in the end, one can't search at once the whole set of files PrjOrg knows about.
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Aha, alright. Well, there's a problem - I'm just using Geany's FIF dialog and there you can search just inside a single directory. I guess in this case the best solution will be the project containing symlinked directories (after I fix that).
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Now symlinking works in Projectorganizer. Still, Find in Files does not work. But that seems to be a 1 character issue (use 'R' instead of 'r') in get_grep_options() in search.c of Geany itself.
This issue shows that the whole plugin architecture have its limitations. How could Geany's FIF know about PO's external directories? Maybe PO should have a "symlink external directory" button. (Except on Windows, as mklink won't to that for you easily.)
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Good point about the grep options, created a pull request to Geany here:
This issue shows that the whole plugin architecture have its limitations. How could Geany's FIF know about PO's external directories?
It cannot, it's something I introduced just in my plugin. Geany in general can search in just a single directory (like most other editors and I think it should stay this way). You can however pre-fill the external directory to the FIF dialog by right-clicking it in the sidebar and selecting "Find in Files...".
Maybe PO should have a "symlink external directory" button. (Except on Windows, as mklink won't to that for you easily.)
I'd leave the symlink creation up to users - as you say, it works on just some platforms and I don't think it's something the plugin itself should do.
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Closed #327.
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@derba It appears -R isn't available in all grep implementation. However in the Find in Files dialog you can add -R to the "extra options" - it is added behind the previously set flags and at least on my machine seems to override -r.
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