Hello please.. I have on linux Pluma bash script for save file what when i save the file that script create file with a filename.ver and save data with counting of save file...
Its possible make it in variable setting and in autosave or manual save can be created this files with versions? I dont want use git but only just file version without use git/svn etc...
for example... I've file "index.php" and this file was been 158x saved... In file "index.php.ver" will be saved `<?php $version_index.php = 158; ` code must be same as original file...
Thank you
You can write a plugin to perform actions on file save.
I know but I am not good in C/C++... I just starting learn it... ;-)
You can try to use existing plugins: GeanyPy or GeanyLua.
Closed #1730.