<b>Geany</b> lets you skip from point to point in a file using <b>Find Next Selection</b> which I use a lot, but when I place the cursor on <b>aa</b> it skips to <b>AA</b> rather than the next <b>aa</b>. It also skips into comments which slows down navigation through a code file even further. Changing the case selection in the file dialog does not seem to help. Should <b>Geany</b> respect the case setting in the find dialog during <b>Find Next Selection</b>?
![find-1](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/7548378/10558681/c1118f62-74d0-11...) ![find-2](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/7548378/10558682/c1155e30-74d0-11...) ![find-3](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/7548378/10558683/c1188d76-74d0-11...)
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Confirmed that Geany ignores settings from the find dialog when doing a find selection. Its not documented that it does or does not, so its not a bug as such, but it would seem that if it ignores settings it should search for exactly the selection rather than a case insensitive version. Although since `find next selection` behaviour is already controlled by `various` preference another controlling case match would probably also be ok.
Skipping comments could be made another option on the find dialog.
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