OS is Ubuntu MATE 22.04.4 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) 64-bit. Here is where the curiosity arised from: I just installed Haskell, and it is both compiled and interpreted language. So there are two ways to run its' code: 1- ```ghc haskell_file.hs``` then ```./haskell_file``` to treat it as a compiled language 2- ```runghc HelloWorld1.hs``` to treat it as an interpreted language so I already set the compile command to ```ghc %f``` and execute command to ```./%e```. But I might need to treat Haskell as an interpreted language so I added a second execution command and called it "interprete" and set it to ```runghc %f```, and it appears as an option in the build menu : 
is there a way to add it to the toolbar alongside with compile, build and execute and give it a cute icon ? I mean here :  Also if possible give it a keybind like Shift+f5 ? It feels like the feature is here but I'm missing a simple trick
See https://wiki.geany.org/howtos/configurebuildmenu that shows numbers of language, general and execute entries is modifyable. But setting toolbar icons and entries or keybinds are not possible for anything other than the basic entries because that is all that is supported by the current Geany code. "Somebody" has to modify toolbar and keybinds and submit PRs but nobody has considered it important enough for themselves.